Sergeant York
Directed by Howard Hawks. 134 mins (1941)
Gary Cooper – Alvin C York
Based on the real life of Alvin York who managed to achieve status as one of the most celebrated American serviceman despite a humble background which included many instances of drunken behaviour. Under the influence of his mother, and further to being struck by lightning he finds religion. Despite attempting to be a conscientious objector , he joins the infantry where he serves with valour , capturing a large number of Germans and saving the lives of many men.
Also starring Walter Brennan, Joan Leslie, George Tobias and Stanley Ridges
The true story of a marksman drafted in World War 1 who becomes one of the wars most celebrated heroes.
Nominated for 10 Oscars, winning 2 for Best actor in a lead role, Best Film editing and another 3 awards.
Tagline - Missiles! Jets! Tanks! ...It's still the Guy with Guts and a Gun who Wins the War!
Maria’s Notes
The intersection of lives is a fascinating occurrence as it unfolds in time. The lives of Sergeant Alvin York World War 1 hero and the life of film actor Gary Cooper were melded together when Alvin York told Hollywood that theonly way he would allow his story to be told would be if Gary Cooper portrayed him. It won my father his first Academy Award and it spread the story of York’s heroism to millions of moviegoers around the world.
Some 75 years later at an event paying tribute to the WW1 medal of honor winners in the historical Park Ave. Armory hosted an evening at which both the Cooper family and the York family were together listening to a beautiful song — Song for a Hero composed by Maria Cooper Janis’s concert pianist husband Byron Janis written as a tribute to heros everywhere. It was beautifully sung by singer opera/ broadway artist Frank Basille. Following that was a one act play newly written about Alvin York by… I am so glad to meet and be getting to know the York family, both Col. Gerald York and last year met with one of York’s sons Andrew Jackson York at an event when each of us unveiled US Postal service stamps depicting our fathers. A truly unique and moving moment
A most memorable moment for me happened a few years ago when I found myself sharing a stage with one of the sons of Sergeant Alvin York. We both unveiled 2 large paintings of our Fathers, commissioned by the US Postal Service, as the images for one of the new “forever” stamps that were going to be circulated in post offices around the country.This was held at the amazing World War 1 Museum in Kansas City on the anniversary of Armistice day November 11th.York had become such an American hero—though a reluctant one- as he was a pacifist and did not believe in fighting or killing. Hollywood tried to woo the uninterested and elderly Alvin York, who refused to give the rights to his story to any film makers…unless… they could get Gary Cooper to portray him in a life story movie. My father was so extremely honored and humbled by York's request and, the challenge to take on that role. The two men met and got along beautifully. And so, a beautiful film was made, an inspiring story told, and Gary Cooper won his first Academy Award.
Maria Cooper Janis